Iowa Bidding

Once bidding begins and when you are approved, you can begin placing your bids. *Note: Please check the registration page for all dates and times when pre-bidding starts. There will be no live bidding during the auction for all Iowa Counties. BIDDING WILL CLOSE 15 MINUTES BEFORE EACH COUNTY'S SCHEDULED START TIME. BIDDERS WILL HAVE TO SET THEIR BIDS BEFORE THE AUCTION STARTS TIME. BIDDERS CAN NOT BID WHEN THE AUCTION STARTS(*Note: This article and video are updated periodically. Please check back often.) 

Follow these steps to Bid before the bidding close time:

1. Log in and click on Auctions.

2. Select the county you are interested in from the drop-down menu.

3. Click Place Bid.

4. Next, bidders will be prompted to place an Opening Bid (%) and also a Match Down To (%).

5. Your Opening Bid is the amount you want the bidding to start at. The bids will open at the lowest Opening Bid amount across all bidders for each parcel.
6. Your Match Down To amount is the lowest amount you are willing to bid. The GovEase system will match bids against other bidders down to this amount.
7. Bids will be in green on the Auctions page. You will also be able to view pre-bids by going to reports then click Bidder Bid Detail.
8. Once the auction starts on auction day, your bids will be placed for you. Once the Auction begins bids can not be changed. Bids can be cleared on auction day if it hasn't already gone through the auction. If you are tied with other bidders during the auction and you try to clear a bid, that bid will remain.

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